Friday 18 June 2010

Pain Relief Technique

Brazilian Toe Massage. This technique is deeply relaxing and may be helpful for a variety of different types of pain, particularly when associated with stress. It requires a partner and about 15 minutes. The client lies on their back while the partner

sits or stands at their feet, with easy access to the toes. The toes are held in pairs very lightly, both feet at the same time in the sequence which follows, for 3 minutes. When moving between toes, move the thumb then the fingers to the next toe very smoothly and gently. The thumb is on the bottom of the toe and the finger is on the top of the toenail. The sequence is as follows:

1) Middle toe (3rd toe) is held between the partner’s thumb and 3rd finger
2) 4th toe is held between the thumb and 4th finger
3) 5th toe is held between the thumb and 5th finger
4) 2nd toe is held between the thumb and 2nd finger
5) 1st toe is held with the thumb beneath the toe and the 2nd and 3rd fingers holding each side of the base of the nail.

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