Nandini & I felt a great desire to have a community of spiritually bonded people and so out went an invitation to those we knew... on the afternoons of the first sundays of a month we would gather in her home to share, exchange, meditate and grow.
The first session, on the 4th of Feb 2007, brought in six interesting people - a pranic healer, a student of Indian classical music and philosophy, two writers, an executive from a pharmaceutical company and a spiritual psychotherapist. Each shared their unique spiritual experiences and set the mood for a short meditation done to a Tibetan singing bowl. Saroj read out a piece recounting the spiritual quests of her life and her contentment at the way they shaped her. Bikram shared his understanding of pranic healing and metaphysical concepts from Theosophical thinkers. I shared my learnings from the Satish Kumar workshop - the three gunas when applied to Time. This led to a lively discussion about Ascetism versus material abundance in pursuing spiritual life. Everyone jumped into it with experiences and views culled from their lives.
Nandini lead a guided meditation on the theme of abundance in nature she created a wonderful imagery of the sea with words and music. It took all of us a little time come out of the deep levels we were swimming in. The look on everyones face reminded me of the Cheshire cat after a bowl of cream had been smacked clean!!
The candles, the fragrance, the flowers, the swirling sufi cushions, the music created a space for good energy to flow . This made Bikram want to redirect this abundant energy towards Mother Earth, the group, family, friends and people at large. I certainly felt a warm flow of current from the centre of my hands, particularly the left on.
Finally we had herbal teas and Dhoklas and Sandesh- all colour coordinated in yellows and white! And mighty yum too. Looking forward to the fourth of march now.
Thanks , it was a marvelous experience .
It is really a very good initiative taken by you and Bulbul. Let me appreciate that you are very good in guiding medidation.
A big learning for me was what Bikram said about giving that which you need most in your life. It has been coming back to me since the session again and again. If you want love, give love. If you want money, give money. If you want health, help others to be healthy. If you want peace, spread peace around... Thanks Bikram!
So far we have learnt "Jaan hai Jahaan hai". We never thought "Jahaan hai to Jaan hai". Can we think of getting fragrance of flower while sitting in the forest of thorne? How happy we feel when we are among the people who are happy with smiling face and how miserable our life becomes when we are surrounded by those we are not happy. It is just like electomagnetic effect. Very natural phenomena.
Also check out this link http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/spiritualsupport-enlighten/ for online spiritual discussions.
The thought of spirituality to me is the one who has understood or have met his inner soul. And soul is defined in terms of a person's mirror image. It’s only after the death the soul is related.
It was about 10 years back I realized the principle of life and death. All those who have understood the "Life and Death" can really live the life.
And to understand live its important that we all should know what Death is? Death is not the end of life. It’s the beginning of new life. Unless we die we cannot know what life is. Like unless we know what sadness is, we cannot enjoy happiness. Unless we experience the heat of sun we cannot feel the cool. Like wise to understand what life is we should know what death is.
Life and death is always with us, even now when I am writing this my experience. When we inhale, we breathe in oxygen. And oxygen is to live. When we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. And carcondioxide is death.
So every time we inhale we live and every time we exhale we die. Living is a non-ending process and to live we have to die.
Death in Hindu mythology is considered as ugly. Yamraj riding on black buffalow coming to take your soul. So death is considered as bad and horrifying. But its not that ugly, it’s the non-completion of "Wants" in one's life makes its death ugly and unexpected. So it is treated as horror event.
Like we welcome and celebrate life, when a baby is born. Similarly one must welcome "Death". As this is a process of life and not the end of life. Life never ends it only changes its phases and faces. We are afraid of seeing the other side of life that's why we are afraid of death. And when we are afraid of death how can we live life. Because to live we must know what death is.
River is life and merging into sea is a process. As river starts from the top of mountain and has its journey till the sea, we can't say it’s the end of river. Because it’s only from sea the process of formation of new river takes place. And since its not visible to us the new formation of river, we say river ends in sea.
There is lot more that I could have written on thought of spirituality as its a non ending defination similarly the Life is a process which is non ending event.
Thanks to Nandini of having struck my mind to express my views over the enlighten concept to help the needy.
KW - Anonymous Commentor, please introduce yourself. We also have an online forum in yahoo groups for discussions. You are welcome to post this there too. The address is on Blog under "Online Support".
“I, MY and MINE”
I am nobody so great to have my introduction. Well thanks for your concern. It’s only for the good deed that I have kept myself as anonyms. As long as the thoughts are without the want of anything which money can buy, its better to stay like this. I don’t want that my thoughts to be know by my name; rather it should be the true knowledge to be spread. And if you are the medium, let it be.
The fool lives around the idea of "my" and "mine": my nation, my religion, my race, my family, my wealth, my children, my parents...he lives around "my" and "mine." And he has come alone and he will go alone; nobody brings anything into the world and nobody takes anything from the world. Alone, empty-handed we come; alone, empty-handed we go. The wise knows it; hence the wise claims nothing as "mine." He uses things, but he does not possess them. Using is perfectly good -- use all the things of the world, they ARE for you. The world is a gift from God -- use it, but don't possess it. The moment you become a possessor, you cannot use things -- the things start using you. The moment you become a possessor, in fact you are possessed by your things, you become a slave. And the very idea of possessing is stupid. How can you possess anything? You don't even possess your own being. What else can you possess? You are not even a master of yourself.
I don't think that the world needs one religion. The world needs religious consciousness, and then that consciousness can flow into as many streams as possible and will ultimately merge into one SEA of thoughts. In fact, my own idea of religion is that there should be as many religions as there are people -- each person having his own religion so no one will try to impress upon its own religion because we know all religion leads to one word of GOD, which is the only things we strive for.
It is difficult to have your own language; each person cannot have his own language, otherwise nobody will understand it. And religion truly does not require a language but require oceans of thoughts. RELIGION is to SOUL, and soul has no language, no image, no form.
Well said! If you are based in/ around Gurgaon, it would be great to have you join our group. Thanks for your thought provoking contributions.
Well thanks for your offer. I am always with you with my thoughts.
Can you throw some light on your activities and plan. What do you do regarding the mission of your and how you take up the group in this noble deed.
I like the energies of this group, keep up the good work. It is nice to find Gurgaon working up its magic on its people.
Love and light
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