Saturday 29 January 2011

De-clutter your life

What stops us from de-cluttering our lives?

Before we can start clearing out the clutter, it is important to understand why we hold on to more things than we have to.  Otherwise, we will de-clutter only to re-clutter again.  Here are some of our emotional contributors to clutter:
1.  Denial -- We do not recognize it as a problem.  We have allowed ourselves toclutter believe clutter is not affecting our lives.  Sometime we keep it hidden  (closets, garages, spare bedrooms, storage spaces) and out of "sight"  as a way of not dealing with it.   

2.  Overwhelm -- When we don't know where to begin, we can get lost in overwhelm.  Maybe the  task seems so huge we don't think we can manage it.  The state of overwhelm sucks our energy leaving us feeling exhausted at the idea of starting to deal with the clutter.  And of course, overwhelm is easily confused with "I don't have time."  This confusion leads to difficulty in knowing what to let go of and what to keep in order to bring balance to our body and our surroundings.

3.  Fear of Letting Go -- Letting go of an item can be symbolic of not wanting to let go of the past.  Our stuff can have an emotional charge that is like an umbilical cord that needs to be cut so we can grow.  We may have boxes of items that we have not used or looked at in a decade, but just can't throw them out.  We have all heard or maybe said:  "I am afraid I may need it some day" or "It could be worth something"  or "It has sentimental value."  Letting go of "stuff" makes more room for energy. 

4.  Guilt - How many of you have purchased exercise equipment only to have it collect cob webs?  Or feel guilty that you spent so much money for something that no longer serves you.  The problem is we feel guilty that we purchased it 10 years ago and never used it so we don't want to let it go.  Also, guilt has a big hold on us, as we equate our clutter with feelings of unworthiness for not fulfilling our roles as good mothers, daughters, husbands, wives etc.

5. Anger - Are you living in a space where the  clutter belongs to someone else and every time you see it you feel frustrated and angry?   Or Maybe it is you that's the clutter bug and it is a source of anger for your partner or spouse.  This energy can  drain loving energy from your relationship.  We can get stuck in anger and blame and use it as an excuse for not taking action.
6. Embarrassment -  Are you afraid of letting people into your home because you are embarrassed by the clutter and mess?   Maybe the laundry is always piled up, the toys are everywhere, the kitchen doesn't have a clean surface and your desk looks like a tornado passed through.  Sometimes we're just too embarrassed to ask for help.                         

Solutions to Clearing Your Clutter

"The stuff of our lives doesn't change.  It is we who change in relation to it."    Molly Vass

Space Clearing1.  Start Right Where You Are -- To reduce overwhelm, pick an area of a room, a drawer, a closet, or a table. Start small - once you have conquered your task then move on to another drawer or area and eventually you will begin to feel an energetic shift taking place.  You may also begin to feel more grounded and centered as you begin to change one room at a time. 

2.  Designate a Time Limit -- Plan how much time and attention you can give to this task.  Maybe it is 15 minutes a day.  Or you can set aside a day or a whole weekend and engage the assistance of family and friends, to clean out the garage, attic, or storage building.

3.  Decision Making -- Use labeled boxes or plastic bins to help you sort through your stuff and speed up your decision making process.  Some sort categories might be:  a) Keepers -- I LOVE IT!  It brings me joy and I can't live without it.
b) Toss -- I hate it!  I never use it or wear it.  or It's broken and doesn't work.  Now break this category down further by:  Sell, Recycle, Donate or Trash.  Remove everything that is dragging down the energy in your home.  Throw away dead plants and dried flowers; remove anything that represents negative energy for you like old photos, jewelry, or your "fat" clothes.

4.  Cleaning -- Now that you have removed all of the clutter and reorganized, the next step is to give your home a thorough cleaning.  Make sure all of the dishes are clean and put away.  Same with your laundry - fold and put away all of your clothes in their new spot.  Wash your linens and make your bed.  There is nothing more inviting than clean sheets and a freshly made bed.  Open all of your windows to bring in fresh air and energy.  Put some fresh flowers out and you will begin to feel the lightness and joy as it enters your space and your body.

5.  Clearing and Manifesting -- Now that your space has been cleaned and freshened, it is time to clear out the remaining stagnant energies the energetic imprints that are held within our space and our bodies.  Light some candles, burn incense or essential oils.  Smudge your body and your space with Sage.  Go around every room and every corner and every closet.  Leave no area behind.  Now follow around your space again while you ring bells, drum or clap to further clear the energy and lift the vibration.  Play some relaxing music as you focus on what you have cleared and released.  With your hands trace Figure 8's all around you and around your space as you begin to weave together this healing energy creating a strong energetic matrix to support you and your process.  Using our new Clearing and Manifesting Energies routine, you can now set your intention on what you truly desire to manifest in your body, your space, and your life. 

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