Saturday 22 January 2011

On Judging and Blaming

“Concern yourself not with what is right and what is wrong but with what is important.” -Unknown 
Sometimes we get so caught up trying to assign blame to people that we lose track of what really matters. I suspect we do this because it’s a lot easier to make someone else responsible for our feelings than it is to focus on what our feelings are telling us.
Buddha Holding a FlowerInstead of acknowledging we need to find the strength to confront someone, we dwell on the bad decisions they made. Instead of accepting that we need to make a major change in our professional lives, we get caught up in all the opportunities we didn’t get or all the obstacles we have to face.
Blame absolves us from creating forward momentum because in that moment, what seems relevant is someone else past decisions, not our choices in the present. But that’s where our power lies: in what we choose to do from moment to moment.
Today if you get caught up in what’s right and wrong and what should or shouldn’t have happened, ask yourself: what’s really important in the situation, and what are you going to do about it?
~ By Lori Deschene is the Founder of Tiny Buddha. Read more about her on or on Twitter @lori_deschene.

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